Monday, February 9, 2015

Wednesday, Novmeber 18

Today I looked over the alphabet again and made sure I remember all the letters correctly. Then I tried spelling out a few basic words. I spent most of my time working on the 20% Time sheet questions.

Wednesday, December 10

This week during my 20% Time I've been watching a video about symbols for words. In this video they show you how to say basic words. The main topics they show you about are family, places, time, temperature, food, clothes, health, feelings, requests, amounts, colors, money, and animals. Learning these symbols will help you say things quicker. It would take forever to spell out every word, so I hope to learn these symbols to say things faster in sign language.

February 9, 2015

Last week we teleconferenced with the kids at MMS. I really liked talking to them and just hearing their opinions about stereotyping too. Its crazy to me how different but alike all of us are. Discussing stereotypes helped me realize a bunch of things that I didn't even notice before. From this conference I realized how much people really do stereotype each other. I never really noticed it before. I also realized that stereotypes aren't always a bad thing. Before this unit I just thought that stereotypes were a negative category somebody put someone else in. After talking with everyone about it I understand now that it can be a good thing that its just how you take it. If someone called a person a nerd, depending on how the person thinks about it, it could be a good thing because they're calling you smart. Calling someone a jock could also be a good thing because they're saying that you're good at sports. People could also take them negatively too by thinking that nerds are weird and social awkward and that jocks aren't smart and stuck up. Mainly on stereotypes I learned that a lot of the problem can be solved by how you think about it. Personally I think that if you just think positively about it and just let the people rant and don't let it bother you then they might just leave you alone. If they keep doing it after you've let it go and not get so worked up about it and asked  them to stop, then tell someone. If you let some random person make you so mad by saying something about you then you're letting them win by getting so worked up about it. If you always stay confident in who you are and don't worry about what other people think about you and find your worth in the Lord then you will always be satisfied.