Friday, January 9, 2015

Project Proposal

          20% Time Project Proposal


Name: Haleigh Jinright

Project Title:  Sign Language

Project Start Date: Friday, November 7, 2014

Project Completion Date: May 2014

Mentor’s Name: Mrs.Browning, Emma Grant, Rebecca Bower, and my mom

Brief Description: This year during 20% Time in class I’m spending my time learning sign language. I feel like sign language can be very useful because if you’re trying to talk to someone who can’t hear you have to use something else for them to understand. Most people that are deaf know sign language. I feel like everyone should learn how to use sign language. Even if you don’t see that many people that can’t hear, you might end up running into someone like that one day and if you don’t know sign language then you won’t be able to communicate with them.


Overview of Project Proposal


1) Project Objective: To learn how to use sign language for a complete sentence and to know how to communicate with it.


2) Project Rationale:


3) Project Steps: First I learned how to spell my name. Second I plan on learning regular everyday words. Then I want to learn symbols.


4) Timeline of Activities: First I want to learn my name or my friend’s names. Second I want to learn simple but everyday words. Third, I’m going learn the symbols for words. At the end of my project I want to be able to use sign language like I use English.


5) Available Human and Material Resources: This can help me speak to people that can’t hear me.


6) Possible Road Blocks: One Roadblock that I might have is that I might forget how to spell things. Another Roadblock would be that I would get bored doing this or I might learn most of the things and not know what to do next.


7) Research Questions:

·         How many symbols are there for sign language?

·         How do people learn sign language if they can’t hear?

·         How do people that are deaf remember sign language?

·         Who created sign language?






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